Advent Day 20 – God Prepares the Way for His Son

Advent Day 20 –  God Prepares the Way for His Son

“A voice of one calling: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” – Isaiah 40:3

God’s plan for the coming of His Son didn’t happen by chance—it was carefully prepared and lovingly orchestrated. From the prophecies of Isaiah to the ministry of John the Baptist, God was preparing the hearts of His people to receive the Savior.

John the Baptist’s call to “prepare the way” reminds us that Advent is a season of preparation. Just as a highway is cleared for an approaching king, so too must we clear the clutter of our hearts to welcome Jesus. This preparation involves repentance, faith, and a readiness to embrace His presence.

God continues to prepare the way for His Son in our lives today. He works through circumstances, His Word, and His Spirit to draw us closer to Him. As we reflect on this truth, let us surrender to His preparation, trusting that He is making all things ready for His purposes.

Lord, thank You for preparing the way for Jesus and for preparing my heart to receive Him. Help me to remove anything that hinders my relationship with You. May I be ready to welcome Your Son into my life and share His love with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Action Step:
Take time today to reflect on areas of your life where God may be calling you to prepare for Him. Consider fasting from a distraction or writing down a prayer of repentance and surrender to God’s will.
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