Advent Day 13 - God Looks into the Heart

Advent Day 13 - God Looks into the Heart

“For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

As we journey through Advent, it’s easy to get caught up in the outward preparations—decorating our homes, finding the perfect gifts, and planning celebrations. While these are beautiful traditions, this verse reminds us that God’s focus is not on how things appear but on the condition of our hearts.

When Samuel went to anoint Israel's next king, he was drawn to Jesse’s older sons, impressed by their strength and stature. Yet, God chose David, the youngest and least likely candidate, because of his heart. This shows us that God values humility, faith, and devotion more than outward appearances or achievements.

During Advent, let’s take time to reflect on our hearts. Are they aligned with God’s purposes? Are we preparing inwardly for the celebration of Jesus’ birth?

Lord, as we await the coming of Christ, help us focus less on appearances and more on the state of our hearts. Teach us to value what You value and to seek a relationship with You above all else. Amen.

  • What areas of your heart need realignment with God’s priorities this Advent?
  • How can you focus less on outward appearances and more on preparing your heart for Christ?
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